Shampoo without silicones: natural shine and care for your hair


Welcome to The Every, where we truly understand and prioritize taking the best care of your hair. In today's post, we are going to talk about something that many of us think about when it comes to hair products: silicones. What are silicones in shampoo and why can they be harmful? And how can you find the perfect silicone-free shampoo to take the best care of your hair? Join us as we dive deeper into this important topic.

Why avoid silicones?

Silicones are common in many conventional hair care products. They give your hair instant shine and suppleness, but there is a catch. Silicones can build up on your hair over time, making it feel tight and lifeless. Plus, they can be difficult to wash out and lead to product residue on your scalp. This is why more and more people are choosing to use shampoos without silicones.

Our solution: The Every's silicone-free shampoo

Our Caring Shampoo is the perfect solution for those who want to avoid silicones in their hair care. It contains a unique moisturizing complex with hyaluronic acid and avocado oil to nourish and protect your hair. In addition, it contains Piroctone Olamine which soothes your scalp and fights itching and dandruff. With our silicone-free shampoo, you can regain natural shine and care without unnecessary additives.

How to use our silicone-free shampoo

  1. Soak your hair thoroughly.
  2. Apply a generous amount of shampoo and gently massage it into your hair and scalp.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and repeat if necessary.
  4. Follow up with our Caring Conditioner for best results.

Five products for silicone-free hair:

  1. Caring Shampoo: Our silicone-free shampoo for daily use.
  2. Caring Conditioner: To follow up with silicone-free conditioner.
  3. Silver Infusion: For blonde hair with extra shine.
  4. Repair Infusion: To strengthen and moisturize damaged hair.
  5. Nourishing Heat Protection: Protect your hair from heat with our heat protection.

Why choose silicone-free shampoo?

Silicone-free products help maintain your hair's natural beauty and vitality. They allow your hair to breathe and avoid overloading, resulting in long-lasting shine and freshness. In addition, they are gentle on your scalp and reduce the risk of irritation and itching.


Q: Are silicones bad for my hair?
A: No, silicones are not inherently bad, but they can cause accumulation over time, leading to lifeless hair and product residue.

Q: What are the benefits of silicone-free shampoo?
A: Silicone-free shampoo preserves your hair's natural volume and health. It gives your hair a chance to recover and shine.

Q: Are silicone-free products suitable for all hair types?
A: Yes, they are ideal for all hair types, including sensitive hair and scalp. They are gentle and nourishing.

Q: How do I know if my current shampoo contains silicones?
A: Silicones may be listed under different names, such as dimethicone or cyclopentasiloxane, in the ingredient list. Read the ingredients carefully or choose products that are explicitly "silicone-free".

Q: Can silicones harm the environment?
A: Silicones can be difficult to break down in nature. Silicone-free products are more environmentally friendly and biodegradable.


Your hair deserves the best, and that starts with avoiding unnecessary additives like silicones. At The Every we are here to help you achieve that. Try our Caring Shampoo and discover the difference for yourself. We are confident that you will love the results. Take care of yourself and your hair with products that really care. We look forward to helping you achieve your best hair ever.