Itchy scalp: how to relieve the discomfort and regain a balanced scalp


If you find yourself here, chances are you are experiencing an irritating and itchy scalp. Don't worry, because you are not alone! Many of us, regardless of gender, age or hair type, can encounter this problem. In this blog post from The Every, we will address the most common causes of itchy scalp and offer you concrete solutions that will help you regain a balanced and healthy scalp.

Understanding why your scalp itches

Experiencing an itchy scalp can be annoying, and it is important to understand what may be behind this discomfort. Let's explore some common reasons why your scalp may be itchy:

  1. Sensitive scalp
    One of the most common reasons for an itchy scalp is that it is particularly sensitive. External factors such as weather changes, strong hair care products or allergens can irritate the scalp and cause itching.
  2. Hair care products
    Some hair care products may contain ingredients that are not suitable for your scalp. Some chemicals may be too strong and cause irritation, leading to itching and discomfort.
  3. Dry scalp
    A dry scalp can also be a reason for itching. If the scalp is not sufficiently moisturized and nourished, it can result in irritation and discomfort.
  4. Scalp dermatitis
    Scalp dermatitis is an inflammatory condition that can cause itching, redness and flaking on the scalp. It can be due to various factors, including allergies, stress or microbial imbalance on the scalp.
  5. Follow the instructions
    To avoid scalp discomfort and itching, it is important to follow the instructions on hair care products carefully. Excessive use or incorrect application of products can negatively affect the scalp.
  6. Regular hair washing
    Regular hair washing with gentle and appropriate products is important to keep your scalp clean and free of impurities that can cause itching.
  7. Moisturizing
    Moisturize your scalp regularly to avoid dryness and irritation. Use moisturizing products containing hyaluronic acid and natural oils to keep your scalp healthy and balanced.

By understanding the reasons behind your itchy scalp, you can take steps to relieve the discomfort and regain a balanced and healthy scalp. Remember, it is important to use products that are gentle and tailored to your scalp's needs. Please visit The Everys website to find our gentle and effective products designed to take the best care of both your hair and scalp.

How to relieve an itchy scalp - A quick guide

Here are some simple steps you can follow to relieve itchy scalp and promote a healthy scalp environment:

  1. Use a gentle and nourishing shampoo, such as The Every Caring Shampoo, to clean your hair and scalp without drying it out.
  2. Avoid using hot styling tools too often and always use a heat protection product, such as The Every Nourishing Heat Protection, before styling your hair.
  3. Give your scalp a relaxing massage with a few drops of our The Every Caring Masque to promote circulation and increase nutrient absorption.
  4. Be careful not to overuse styling products, and wash your hair regularly to avoid product build-up.
  5. To keep your scalp healthy, avoid washing your hair with too hot water, as this can dry out your scalp and lead to itching.


Q: Why does my scalp itch after washing my hair?
A: Itching after washing your hair can be caused by several factors, including using products with irritating chemicals or water that is too hot. Try using a gentle shampoo, like our The Every Caring shampoo, and avoid washing your hair with too hot water.

Q: Can stress affect my scalp?
A: Yes, stress can negatively affect your scalp and lead to itching. Practicing relaxation methods such as yoga or meditation can help reduce the impact of stress on the scalp.

Q: What other measures can I take to relieve itchy scalp?
A: In addition to using our specially formulated products, you can consider reducing the use of hair products and avoiding excessive heat styling. It is also good to eat a balanced diet and drink enough water to keep both your skin and scalp healthy.

Now that you have the knowledge and tools to tackle an itchy scalp, it's time to give your scalp the love and care it deserves. Follow our advice and tips to regain a balanced scalp and beautiful hair. Don't forget to visit The Everys website to find our specially formulated products created to suit you and your scalp's needs. Have a great time and let your scalp shine!